Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thanks for the time

Dear friends & colleagues of Continental Automotive, Penang.

Thanks for the time when you gave me hope

when I thought my road had reached the end.

Thanks for the second chance* you gave me
when I acted foolishly and thought I'd lost a friend

Thanks for the moments when we fought the odds
and together we survived the hardship and the pain

Thanks for the memories, the lessons learned
and the richness of experience that we gained

Thanks for the gift of friendship, so priceless

So long, farewell, till we meet again.


  1. That is one beautiful THANK YOU note you got there! :)

  2. Thanks. It's a farewell note, but I decided not to make it sound like an Oscar speech...

  3. Beautiful farewell note! :)

    Wise decision. If if's an Oscar speech, you would have to talk fast and wrap it up quickly once you hear the music during your speech :P

  4. * this especially to Bill Cotter if you happen to read this...
