Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Stories from the workplace

 I was synchronizing all the check-out counters to the main server at a supermarket. One particular counter was out of connection. It was probably due to a faulty network cable. Someone managed to get me a replacement. I plugged it into the CPU and watched the connection lights at the switch. It blinked once and then went off. 

We were actually on site due to some other issue. I didn't have a cable tester with me. I didn't have my cable connector crimper either. Maybe I could clean the contact points, but I didn't have any brush that could reach those tiny gaps. Looking around I saw a bottle of hand sanitizer by the main entrance. 

I squirted some on the connectors of both ends. A lady nearby looked at me quizzically. I wondered what she was thinking. 

I got back the counter, plugged in the cable and lo, the connection was on.

Sometimes all you need is some logical solution to solve a problem. Hand sanitizers contain alcohol, and alcohol cleans most kinds of surfaces of dirt and oil stains, etc.

Of course I remember McGyver... he taught me never to just let things go without looking for a solution, even if there are no proper tools at hand. 


  1. I still follow you and am browsing my old posts from 2012 and saw you popping up so often in the comments.

    Like you, I'm not such a frequent visitor now although I do make the effort to save some thoughts, every now and then.

    Stay well and be happy. Your friend Lita!

    1. How wonderful to have you visiting. Thanks Lita. Like all bloggers I only drop by the Old Home once in a blue moon.
