For you the world - your oyster
But for you girl - the torch
So bear it with pride
And hold it with your passion
Venture forth and make your mark
For yourself and for humanity*
Go boldly
Leave your footsteps in the sands
But tread lightly now
That you shall walk far
Lest you stir the antagonists
And manipulators of your willingness
To put your shoulder to the plough
Be not afraid, girl
To explore your dreams
To the ends of the rainbow
Let the passions be nurtured
And blossom
Be steadfast in your convictions
Though there may be times
You may have to take the road less traveled
And let go of the shackles of tradition
We who nurtured you from the cradle
Reluctantly, hesitantly
Have to let go
The strings that bind us forever
For you girl,
The sky is the limit