'English schools' demise started racial divide'

Despite growing concerns of racial polarisation
in the national and vernacular school education system today,
multiracial schools were once a reality.
Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers former president Yong Poh Kon said
English-medium schools were among the most multiracial before they were
abruptly phased out after the 1969 race riots.
"The sad part is we had a multiracial schooling system, but nowadays 94
percent of Malays are in national schools while 88 percent of Chinese
are in Chinese schools.
"In fact, the Chinese schools are more multiracial than national
schools," he told a forum entitled ‘Malaysian education system: Can we
bring back the quality?’

to the National Education Blueprint (NEB), as of 2011, national primary
schools comprise 94 bumiputera, three percent Indian, one percent
Chinese and two percent others, while Chinese primary schools comprise
88 percent Chinese, nine percent bumiputera, two percent Indians and
others, one percent others.
He added that the English medium schools then were experiencing steady
growth as parents saw that they provided better future for their
children but in contrast, present day national schools are seeing a
decline in enrolment.
Today, Yong lamented that the workers the education system is churning
out students lacking sufficient English language communication skills to
be employable.
He added that the NEB has set a target of Malaysian students achieving
70 percent 'credit' in the GCE O Level English Language examination by
However, he said it will be a difficult target to meet, especially with
the reversal of the teaching of mathematics and science in English
"Currently among bumiputeras, only 18 to 20 percent of students get a
'credit' in the Cambridge paper while 50 percent fail, so you can't just
set a 70 percent target unless you are going to do something about it,"
he said.
"With PPSMI, at least you have a striking chance of achieving
proficiency in English (target set in NEB) but it is sad to say that
PPSMI was phased out.
"(If) you don't change the amount of time English is taught (as
previously ), it is not possible to expect different results," he added.
'Only 75pct can pass with a bell curve'
Yong quoted Albert Einstein, saying that is was insanity to repeat the
same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
He said that despite the emphasis on the Malay language with a 90
percent target for ‘credit’ under the NEB, it was "impossible" to
"If it goes by a bell curve, normally only 75 percent can pass. It is impossible to achieve 90 percent credit," he noted.
Also present at the forum were Inti International University chancellor
Arshad Ayub, Parents Action Group for Education chairperson Noor Azimah
Abd Rahim, Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) executive director
Shamsuddin Bardan and PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli.
Meanwhile, Noor Azimah said that even though the Malaysian schools fared
poorly in the Programme for International Student Assessment, the top
10 schools which took the test were actually comparable with those in
Shanghai, which ranked number one.
"The test can be answered in English or Malay... nine out of 10 of these
schools which scored close to Shanghai chose to answer the test in

"But this was not made public because it would be contrary to what the government has in mind for students," she said.
However, Rafizi (
right) had a different take on PPSMI,
reiterating that Pakatan Rakyat's focus has always been to improve the
quality of English teachers instead.
"Let me give you an anecdote, we met a few specialist teachers... one
teacher from Kota Baru who had been teaching for 20 to 30 years with
pride and was adored by her students, said she feared to go into class
due to her problem with the command of English.
"Pakatan's position remains the same, unless we resolve the quality of
the pool of English teachers, we may end up not achieving anything (even
with PPSMI).
He added that once there is a ready pool of qualified English teachers,
then options such as PPSMI or even granting schools autonomy to choose
their language of instruction will be more readily available.
He said beyond all else, accessibility of education - especially for the
rural folk in Sabah and Sarawak - must also be addressed before more
sophisticated education concerns of urbanites can gain traction.