Midget bees! Miniature in size but aggressive when their nest is disturbed.
I quickly rose and went to her aid. A few of them were still trying to attack her. I tried to wave them away. They wanted to attack me. I swept at them with my bare hands. Strangely they weren't keen to attack me. They backed off.
Obviously she had taken a swipe at what she thought was a bunch of dried leaves with the broom. That bunch of leaves turned out to be a bee-hive. I thought we were lucky she hadn't brought down the whole thing! And luckily those stings weren't venomous. They caused some pain and itchiness lasting a few days.
I decided I had to get rid of them. But not knowing how they'd react if I burn their nest, I decided to call the fire brigade. The guy asked me what's the problem. I told him.
They came in their big fire-truck and half a dozen guys. First guy said to burn the nest. Another asked me for a can of aerosol bug destroyer. I said I don't have any. He told me to go and buy one. I looked at him in disbelief. Anyway I managed to borrow one from a neighbor.
He sprayed at the nest liberally. Most of the bees flew away. Then he asked for some old newspapers. He lighted them and torched the nest. Then he asked for a pair of cutters and a plastic bag. Then he asked for a stool. He cut the nest and stuffed it into the plastic bag and handed everything back to me.
I asked him what should I do with the nest. He said, 'Throw it away'.
The next day the bees were back trying to rebuild their nest. I got myself a can of water-based insecticide and did the fire brigade thing on them myself.
Sometimes when they get in each others way, man and nature just can't co-exist without friction. Pity.