Saturday, July 15, 2006

Miyagi-san, I presume?


When I walked into our Juarez plant one morning, there was a football game going on TV.  Operators male and female alike were glued to their seats or on the floor, watching the on-going battle between Mexico and Portugal.  Our Mexican plant counterpart explained that they had to let them watch the game right there in the factory, otherwise there'd be nobody to run production for the whole shift.  So, might as well relax the rules, supply some TVs and let things take care of themselves.  People are happy they get to see their team play, management is happy they get at least 70% of production for that shift, rather than take the hard stand and issue warning letters to absentees and lose that camaraderie.  Win-win situation.

During one interval, while we were walking around, I noticed some female operators peering at me and whispering among themselves and giggling.  They said something to the Mexican engineer who was showing us around.  Curious, I asked him what was that all about?  He said that I resemble the old guy in the movie "Karate Kid".  I laughed.  I bowed towards them and they laughed.  I said I've been told that quite often.  The guys at the office used to call me Miyagi-san.  Pat Morita has since passed away, but his movies are still going strong.  That night, on Mexican TV, I happened to see that movie being played again.  I still enjoy his portrayal of the old Karate master.

Something I couldn't figure out about Mexico though.  They seem to bar the access to  For the 5 days I was there, I tried and couldn't get into my blog.  There was always this message that said the URL was forbidden.  And I've often wondered why I never saw any Multiply bloggers from Mexico.  That could be the reason.  Anyone with some evidence to contradict me?  Or some reason why it is forbidden?....


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